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Bow Hill Blueberries, WA


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Bow Hill Blueberries, WA

Guest User

Bow, WA. Bow Hill Blueberries is located in the Skagit valley in Northwest Washington. The farm specializes in organic blueberry production and has over 4500 bushes of heirloom berries available for weekend u-pick, purchase in the farm store, and at various markets and stores, including the Puget Sound Food Hub. They also make a variety of value-added products--this season, they are excited about their new Cold-Pressed Blueberry Juice & Heirloom Blueberry Powder

Get in touch with Bow Hill Blueberry Farm: 

Tell us how your farm got started: 

Our goal was to revive a historic family farm. Bow Hill is the oldest blueberry farm in Skagit Valley of Washington State. We bought it in 2011 and immediately began the process of becoming certified organic, re-opening it to the public, and creating value-added certified organic heirloom blueberry products. Today Bow Hill is a small farm run by a small family with a huge commitment to growing, handpicking and preserving heirloom blueberries organically.

What are you working on right now? What are you most excited about?

Today we continue to open our fields to the public for an all-you-can-eat you pick experience. We are most excited about our newly launched cold pressed Organic Heirloom Blueberry Juice. There's nothing else like it! Each bottle contains the juice of 547 blueberries. Once the berries are pressed, we take the left over skins, dry them, and mill them into an antioxidant rich Organic Heirloom Blueberry Powder. Boost a smoothie, bake with it, rim a glass, decorate a plate... you can put it on anything!

What frustrates you most about your work or the current food culture at large? What do you wish to change the most?

It's a amazing to us how many people really don't know what organic food is, how important it is, and what kind of true dedication it takes to be certified organic.

Any recent moments of optimism? Things you see changing for the better?

People love our juice and powder. That makes us really happy. By creating it we have a chance at making this farm sustainable.

What's your favorite vegetable to eat, grow, or wear? Blueberries! ;)

Anything else you want us to know? Anything you want us to help you spread the word about?

The food culture Skagit Valley is amazing. The river delta soil is some of the best in the world. Young and old farmers, food professionals, and research specialists all collaborate here and support each other. Even on a rainy day (and there are many), it's one of the most beautiful places we've ever been.